VIPs, this Masterclass will equip you to develop a Blockchain Notary Office on Ethereum using Solidity, Remix, Ganache, Geth, Metamask and Truffle. Understand the tools needed to create Smart Contracts, write and read secure Solidity code, avoid costly bugs and Blockchain programming errors, development and deployment workflows, benefits and disadvantages of Blockchain Technologies, Private Networks, Test Networks and the Public Main Network, transactions structures, correctly calculate Gas costs, write and publish a Smart Contract on the Ethereum Blockchain and distinguish between Web3js and Truffle-Contract. Training modules include: 1) Solidity Basics, 2) Key Characteristics of How the Blockchain Operates, 3) Our Notary Functionality in Solidity, 4) Understanding Tools and Ethereum, 5) Your Guide to Web 3.0, 6) Tools of Web 3.0, 7) Understand Different Blockchain Nodes, 8) Understand Decentralization ast a Deeper Level, 9) Local Development with Truffle, 10) Develop Distributed Applications in HTML and JavaScript, 11) Publication of Our Project, and 12) Bonus - ICO Pre-Investment Checklist.
Register today at: https://tinyurl.com/y2ubkw4l
Much career success, Lawrence E. Wilson – Blockchain VIPs