Monday, March 21, 2022

Tokenization Fundamentals (Training)

Colleagues, the Tokenization Fundamentals program has evolved as a concept in the digital arena unlike anything else while retaining its basic essence. It emerged as a plausible approach for transforming sensitive data into non-sensitive data to ensure safeguards for crucial and sensitive financial data. Now, tokenization has led to a completely new paradigm by enabling issuers to create digital tokens on a blockchain as representatives of digital or physical assets. Therefore, the demand to learn tokenization has escalated profoundly in recent times with the newly-discovered opportunities to improve liquidity for conventionally illiquid assets. This program helps you understand tokenization like never before. The course offers detailed insights on existing tokenization projects and the regulatory precedents alongside the fundamentals in tokenization training. Learn the Basics of blockchain and its applications in trading, Insights on smart contracts, their applications in different industries, and tokenization, Understanding of tokenization, different stages, pros and cons, history, examples, and projections for tokenization, Role of tokenization in driving the growth of alternative finance., Financial structures and models of tokenization, Understanding of differences between the different types of tokens and their usability, Taxation and regulation considerations associated with tokenization and the different types of suitable assets for tokenization. Training modules cover: 1) Intro to Blockchain, 2) Smart Contracts, 3) Tokenization, 4) Alternative Finance, 5) Financial Structure & Models of Tokenization, 6) Types of Tokens, 7) Funds, 8) Different types of asset for Tokenization, and 9) Additional Resources and Final Exam. 

Enroll today (teams & execs welcome): 

Much career success, Lawrence E. Wilson - Blockchain VIPs

Wednesday, March 16, 2022

Ethereum (Training)

VIPs, the new Ethereum course from 101 Blockchains is a promising tool for all aspiring learners to develop their expertise in Ethereum. The course not only covers Ethereum technology fundamentals and its working comprehensively but also deals with practical ways for dealing with deploying a smart contract. In addition, you can also learn about the best practices for creating your own tokens. Furthermore, the course goes beyond the Ethereum technology basics and reflects on the next development steps in the Ethereum roadmap. You will find a detailed account of Ethereum technology explained thoroughly with topics such as Ethereum transactions, tokens, Ethereum consensus, and the development of dApps with a specific focus on DAOs. Develop high-demand and marketable expertise in Ethereum Technology, including: 1) Ethereum tools, 2) Ethereum test networks, 3) Ethereum addresses and Ethereum accounts, 4) Smart contracts and the use of Solidity programming language, 5) Tokens in Ethereum, 6) Ethereum transactions , 7) Blocks and mining in Ethereum, 8) Ethereum and PoW consensus algorithm, 9) Decentralized applications or dApps and DAOs, 10) Ethereum roadmap, 10) Beacon Chain and Proof of Stake consensus, and 16) Additional Resources and Final Exam.

Enroll today (teams & execs welcome): 

Much career success, Lawrence E. Wilson - Blockchain VIPs

Wednesday, March 9, 2022

Certified Blockchain and Finance Professional (Blockchain Council)

Colleagues, the Certified Blockchain and Finance Professional (CBFP) certification program from the Blockchain Council enables you to master how Blockchain can be leveraged to speed up and streamline the procedure of cross border payments and to reduce the cost. The program includes six (6 hours of training and the certification is valid for your lifetime. Certified Blockchain & Finance Professional™ training is primarily directed to guide an individual for creating solutions that can influence all the aspects of Finance. This training deals with the assimilation of knowledge on how Blockchain can be leveraged to speed up and streamline the procedure of cross border payments and to reduce the cost undoubtedly. As the market for Blockchain professionals is increasing in the Finance Industry, this certification will show to be your competitive supremacy over others. Training modules include: 1)Introduction to Functional Finance - Finance in the Economic world, Overview of Financial Management, Challenges in Financial system, 2) An Overview to Blockchain - How is Blockchain different from traditional technologies?Benefits of using Blockchain Technology, What are the different Blockchain technologies?Why is it called P2P Network? , Consensus: How conflicts are being resolved?POW vs POS vs Delegated POS, Why is Blockchain Secure? , What is Blockchain Mining?, Blockchain Ecosystem, Working with Blockchain Architecture , What are Smart Contracts?, 3) Assimilation of Finance and Blockchain - How Blockchain change current Face of Financing, Blockchain in Financial System Vendor Perspective about Blockchain in Financial Services, Advantages of blockchain in Financial Services, 4) Use Case in Financial Management - Cross Border Payments , Syndicate Lending, Digital Identity Verification, Trade Finance, and 5) Certified Blockchain & Financial Professional Exam. There will be an online training followed by a multiple choice question exam of 100 marks. 

Enroll today (teams & execs welcome): 

Much career success, Lawrence E. Wilson - Blockchain VIPs

Thursday, March 3, 2022

Introduction to DeFi - Decentralized Finance

VIPs, the Introduction to DeFi - Decentralized Finance from 101 Blockchains equipped you to parties to trade in a peer-to-peer (i.e., decentralized) fashion the traditional elements of the financial supply chain (e.g., deposits, loans, financial assets) by replacing traditional currency (e.g., dollars, euros) with stable-coins (i.e., cryptocurrency tokens pegged to that currency) and replacing the intermediary (i.e., the financial institution) with blockchain-based smart contracts that run autonomously on a permissionless blockchain protocol (Ethereum for the most part).  Learn How to explain DeFi to your clients and colleagues (and why you should do it), What is the scope and purpose of DeFi , How DeFi tools and products are already being used today, Build your career in DeFi without necessarily being a trader and Become an enterprise DeFi expert. Skill-based training modules address: 1) What is DeFi?, 2) Why DeFi?, 3) The DeFi Ecosystem, 4) DeFi Use Cases, and 5) DeFi Risks.

Enroll today (teams & execs welcome): 

Much career success, Lawrence E. Wilson - Blockchain VIPs