Tuesday, February 22, 2022

Certified Hyperledger Fabric Admin (Linux Foundation)

Colleagues, the Certified Hyperledger Fabric Administrator (CHFA) offered by the Linux Foundation equips candidates to demonstrate their competence in deploying and operating a Hyperledger Fabric network through the command line. Skill-based training modules include: 1) Application Lifecycle Management (20%) - Install and Instantiate chaincode package, Configure endorsement policy, Define collection policy for private data, Modify or upgrade chaincode, 2) Install and Configure Network (25%) - Modify the world state database configuration, Define initial multi-org configuration policy, Configure Ordering service (Raft), Configure, Hyperledger Fabric containers, Define network config options (block creation options, etc), Enable TLS for communication, Generate genesis block, Configure service discovery node (e.g. peer and orderer addresses), 3) Diagnostics and Troubleshooting (15%) - Query and analyze peer logs, CA logs, Orderer logs, chaincode logs, 4) Membership Service Provider (20%) - Configure ACL, Create end user identity, Revoke an identity, Configure and start Hyperledger Fabric CA, Configure Hyperledger Fabric for hardware security module, and 5) Network Maintenance and Operations (20%) - Add a peer to existing organization, Create a channel, Add an org to a channel, Update channel configuration and Update a Hyperledger Fabric Instance.

Enroll today (teams & execs welcome): https://tinyurl.com/szusje52 

Much career success, Lawrence E. Wilson - Blockchain VIPs

Wednesday, February 16, 2022

Certified Ethereum Expert - CEE (Blockchain Council)

VIPs, the Blockchain Councils’ Certified Ethereum Expert (CEE) is a curated certification focusing on the core concepts of the Ethereum Blockchain. An Ethereum Expert is one who develops decentralized applications and protocols to improve fault tolerance and for processing of large chunks of data. Validating and understanding your skills through this exhaustive exam-based certification will provide insights into the workings of Ethereum and the Smart Contracts. Successful completion of this certification will enable you to build Ethereum-based applications for enterprises and will brighten your chances to start a rewarding career in the Blockchain domain, Complete understanding of Ethereum Blockchain, In-depth knowledge of Smart Contracts and Decentralized applications, Exploration of known Ethereum Blockchain’s use-cases, Ability to differentiate between Blockchain according to the requirements, Ability to transfer or mitigate Blockchain for businesses and enterprises, and Understanding of Ethereum Blockchain, Smart Contracts and Decentralized applications, use cases and transfer or mitigate Blockchain for businesses and enterprises. Skill-based training modules include: 1) Blockchain Basics, 2) Blockchain Mining, 3) Security and Privacy, 3) Ethereum Basics, 4) Creating your own Blockchain Solution, 5) Ethereum Development ToolsSolidity Basics, 6) Introduction to DAO, and 6) Use Cases … followed by the certification exam.

Enroll today (teams & execs welcome): https://tinyurl.com/yc2w2kux 

Much career success, Lawrence E. Wilson - Blockchain VIPs

Thursday, February 3, 2022

Certified Blockchain Developer (Blockchain Council)

Colleagues, the Certified Blockchain Developer (CBD) certification from the Blockchain Council provides you with highly marketable skills in Blockchain, Multichain, Ethereum, Hyperledger, Stellar and Corda. Learn what it means to be a Certified Blockchain Developer and about Ethereum, IPFS, Hyperledger and R3 Corda, explore how to deploy Ethereum Smart Contract on Hyperledger Fabric and gain an in-depth knowledge on R3 Corda. Skill-based training modules include: 1) Blockchain - Fundamentals of Blockchain, Blockchain Ecosystem, Mining concept in Blockchain, 2) Ethereum - Tokens, Prerequisites & Installation, Project 1: Basic Smart Contract with Frontend, Project 2: Developing advanced Smart Contract using Solidity, Project 3: Crowdfunding, 3) IPFS - Fundamentals of IPFS, Installing IPFS, Running IPFS, Operations on IPFS, 4) Hyperledger - Understanding Hyperledger Fabric, Getting Started with Hyperledger Architecture, Setting-up the Prerequisites, Git Repository- Source Code- Download, Create Basic Hyperledger Fabric Network, Add New Org in Consortium (System Channel), Add New RAFT Orderer in Existing Network, 5) Solidity Smart Contract on Hyperledger Fabric - Understanding the Concept, Setup and prerequisite for deployment, Installing and instantiating the chain code, Deploying a solidity smart contract on fabric, and 6) R3 Corda - What is Corda ?, Data Structure of Corda, Corda Key Concepts, Corda Architecture, Corda – Setting up the Environment, Project 1 – Tesla CordApp, and Project 2 – Building another CordApp.

Sign-up today (teams & execs welcome): https://tinyurl.com/yckvm8da 

Much career success, Lawrence E. Wilson - Blockchain VIPs