VIPs, these Enterprise Blockchain Templates will help you assess if and when Blockchain technology is a proper fit for your company. They guide you through the process and make sure you are asking the correct questions, and checking all the boxes. These actionable templates are constructed to reflect the foundational elements of Blockchain: They are Immutable, Distributed and Decentralized. Template - 1: Do You Need Blockchain? This template presents the user with a list of items that represent the typical selection criteria of a blockchain solution. Template - 2: Blockchain Project Readiness: This tool is based on the user's self-assessment regarding preparations and key actions required to complete the task of Identifying the underlying business issues. Template - 3: Presenting an Enterprise Blockchain Project: This template enables you to make an effective presentation by outlining key points that an enterprise decision-maker has to know to consider your proposed solution. Template - 4: Mapping Enterprise Blockchain vs. Supply Chain Business Processes: Provides you the practical guidance to assess which processes of a supply chain are best candidates for an enterprise blockchain-based implementation project. Better decision-making will help ensure the success of your Blockchain projects.
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Much career success, Lawrence E. Wilson - Blockchain VIPs