Colleagues, the Tokenization Fundamentals program has evolved as a concept in the digital arena unlike anything else while retaining its basic essence. It emerged as a plausible approach for transforming sensitive data into non-sensitive data to ensure safeguards for crucial and sensitive financial data. Now, tokenization has led to a completely new paradigm by enabling issuers to create digital tokens on a blockchain as representatives of digital or physical assets. Therefore, the demand to learn tokenization has escalated profoundly in recent times with the newly-discovered opportunities to improve liquidity for conventionally illiquid assets. This program helps you understand tokenization like never before. The course offers detailed insights on existing tokenization projects and the regulatory precedents alongside the fundamentals in tokenization training. Learn the Basics of blockchain and its applications in trading, Insights on smart contracts, their applications in different industries, and tokenization, Understanding of tokenization, different stages, pros and cons, history, examples, and projections for tokenization, Role of tokenization in driving the growth of alternative finance., Financial structures and models of tokenization, Understanding of differences between the different types of tokens and their usability, Taxation and regulation considerations associated with tokenization and the different types of suitable assets for tokenization. Training modules cover: 1) Intro to Blockchain, 2) Smart Contracts, 3) Tokenization, 4) Alternative Finance, 5) Financial Structure & Models of Tokenization, 6) Types of Tokens, 7) Funds, 8) Different types of asset for Tokenization, and 9) Additional Resources and Final Exam.
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Much career success, Lawrence E. Wilson - Blockchain VIPs