Dev Colleagues, the “Blockchain Developer Certification” program is curated by top industry experts and is designed to meet the industry benchmarks. This Blockchain course will introduce you to the concepts of Blockchain and its platforms such as Bitcoin, Ethereum, Hyperledger, and MultiChain. This is a fully immersive, instructor-led training & helps you master the Ethereum ecosystem, with hands-on demonstrations. Enroll now in this course & become a certified Blockchain professional. Training modules include: 1) Origin And Working Of Blockchain: You will be introduced to the Blockchain technology and learn about its working and properties, 2) Cryptocurrency and Blockchain: Learn about the concept of cryptocurrencies, predominantly Bitcoin, and Blockchain structure along with cryptography and consensus mechanisms, 3) Bitcoin Platform: Learn about Bitcoin mechanisms and how the Bitcoin network works. You will understand why transactions with Bitcoins are secure and efficient, 4) Bitcoin Mining: Grasp how Bitcoin mining works and how blocks are added in the Blockchain. You will also be taught how to mine Bitcoin from your own personal computer, 5) Introduction To Ethereum: Basic Solidity, Advanced Solidity, Developing A DApp Using Truffle, Hyperledger, Setting Up Development Environment Using Hyperledger Composer, Create And Deploy Your Private, Blockchain On MultiChain, 6) Prospects Of Blockchain: Learn to develop your own Smart Contracts using Solidity on the Remix IDE, 7) Advanced Solidity: Learn the advanced concepts of solidity including importing libraries, modifiers, and event handling. Also, you will learn how to incorporate a front-end GUI to your solidity contracts using Truffle and web3.js, 8) Developing A DApp Using Truffle how to develop a DApp service using concepts of Solidity and deploy it on a local test Blockchain, Ganache, 9) Hyperledger: Learn about a Hyperledger project to develop an enterprise-grade and open-source distributed ledger framework. You will be taught about the Hyperledger architecture, its consensus mechanism, and about four major Hyperledger frameworks, 10) Setting Up Development Environment Using Hyperledger Composer: Learn about Hyperledger Fabric and how to develop business networks using Hyperledger Composer, 11) Create And Deploy Your Private Blockchain On MultiChain: Learn about MultiChain platforms. You will be able to set up your private Blockchain environment, and 12) Prospects Of Blockchain: Understand how Blockchain is essentially shaping the future economics. Discussions on various use cases of Blockchain will clear the missing segment of the picture.
Enroll today (teams & execs are welcome):
Download your free Blockchain, Ethereum & Web 3 - Career Transformation Guide.
Web 3.0 book series:
1 - Birth of a Web 3.0 Decentralized World Order - From Blockchain to Metaverse … and Beyond
2 - NFTs, DAOs and DeFi … Next Generation Web 3.0 Technologies Transforming Our Lives (Audible) (Kindle)
Much career success, Lawrence E. Wilson - Blockchain VIPs (share with your team)