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Certified Ethereum Developer is one who has expertise in one of the best decentralized blockchain platforms available today, Ethereum. The developer is fully equipped with the skills required to excel in the world of blockchain networks, having varied knowledge of the basics and advanced concepts of Ethereum. Earning this certification will entitle you to become an Ethereum developer, which is an extremely in-demand skill in the international job market currently. Know what it means to be a developer in the Ethereum domain. Explore different tokens and dApps. Build projects around InterPlanetary File System (IPFS). Testing of smart contracts and its tools. Create, compile and deploy smart contracts on the Ethereum platform. Build projects like NFT marketplace and games based on NFT. Skill-based training modules include: 1) Understanding the Basics - Blockchain, Ethereum, Bitcoin vs Ethereum, Nodes, Mining, PoW vs PoS, Addresses, Keys & Wallets, Transactions, Forks, Smart Contracts, Ethereum Virtual Machine, Decentralized Apps and Autonomous Organizations, 2) Ethereum Overview - EVM (Ethereum Virtual Machine), Ethereum Tokens, Test Networks of Ethereum, 3) Ethereum Tokens - Guide to ERCs & EIPs, ERC-20 Standard, Trading ERC-20 Tokens, ERC-721 Standard, Trading ERC-721 Tokens, ERC-1155 Tokens, 4) Understanding the Non-Fungible Tokens (NFT) - Non Fungible Tokens: A Little Background, What’s an NFT?The Internet of assets, How do NFTs work?, What are NFTs used for?, Ethereum and NFTs, 5) IPFS (InterPlanetary File System) - Fundamentals of IPFS, Installing IPFS, Running IPFS, Operations on IPFS, 6) Learning Solidity - Introduction to Solidity, Solidity: Beginner to Intermediate, Units, Error Handling, 7) Getting started with Smart Contracts - Smart Contract Development, 8) Testing of Smart Contract - Testing in Smart Contracts, Tools & Best Practices, 8) Prerequisites & Installation - Remix IDE Walk-through, Setting up the MetaMask in your Browser, Installing Development Environment, Writing our First Smart Contract, Deploying Smart Contract with Truffle. Project 1 - Basic Smart Contract With Front End. Project 2 - Developing advanced Smart Contract using Solidity. Project 3 - End-To-End NFT Project [Advanced Collectable]. Project 4 - Building NFT Game. Certified Ethereum Developer Exam. Enroll today (teams & executives are welcome):
Download your free Blockchain, Ethereum and Web 3 - Career Transformation Guide.
Recommended reading: Web 3.0 book series
1 - Birth of a Web 3.0 Decentralized World Order - From Blockchain to Metaverse … and Beyond
(Audible) (Kindle)
2 - NFTs, DAOs and DeFi … Next Generation Web 3.0 Technologies Transforming Our Lives (Audible) (Kindle)
Much career success, Lawrence E. Wilson - Blockchain VIPs (share with your team)