Colleagues, next on our Top 10 Countdown is the Certified Enterprise Blockchain Architect (CEBA) certification is a popular Blockchain credential with a specific focus on blockchain solution architecture. The CEBA certification is the best choice for any professional interested in designing blockchain-based systems and solutions. The CEBA certification covers a broad range of topics related to blockchain development. Apart from the concepts underlying blockchain architecture and development, the CEBA certification focuses on blockchain use cases and the selection of suitable blockchain systems for enterprise needs. The CEBA certification offers the best collection of learning resources for those who wish to become professional enterprise Blockchain architects - grasp the fundamentals of Blockchain and the basic and advanced concepts of Blockchain architecture, the basics of Enterprise Blockchain Platform, how to choose an appropriate blockchain system, along with public and permissioned blockchain such as Ethereum and Hyperledger. Skill-based training modules include: 1) Blockchain Fundamentals - Blockchain vs Cryptocurrency vs Tokens, Blockchain Key Components, Byzantine Generals Problem, Consensus Methods, Whiteboard -How Blocks are written to a blockchain, What is Hashing, Demo - Hashing, Mining Requirements, Smart contracts, Segwits and Forks, Types of Blockchains, Use Cases and Interactive Exercise; 2) Enterprise Blockchains - What is an Enterprise Blockchain?, Value Creation, Cost Modeling, Blockchain Cost Considerations, Blockchain Performance (Transaction Per Second), Blockchain Architecture, Blockchain Common Use Cases, Blockchain Solutions Selling, Blockchain Technology Concerns, Blockchain as a Service, Demo - IBM BaaS, Enterprise Blockchain Development, Whiteboard- Architect a Blockchain, Security and Interactive Exercise; 3) Ethereum Overview - Ethereum Development, Demo - Ethereum Etherscan, Whiteboard - Ethereum Deployment, Demo - Metamask, Whiteboard - Ethereum Use Case - Token Platform and Interactive Exercise; 4) Hyperledger Fabric - Project Overview, Fabric Overview and Uses Cases, Demo Deploy on AWS, Fabric Development, Whiteboard - Fabric Use Case - Logistics and Interactive Exercise; 5) R3 Corda - Overview, Corda Use Cases, Whiteboard - Use Case Financials, Development, Demo - CordaBench and Interactive Exercise; and 6) Certification Exam and Next Steps.
Enroll today and stay tuned for our #2 pick next week (teams & execs welcome):
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Graphic source: 101 Blockchains