Monday, August 1, 2022

Blockchain & Ethereum Developers - Top 10 Countdown of the Best Certification & Training Programs (#6)

Colleagues, next on our Top 10 Countdown is the Certified Enterprise Blockchain Architect (CEBA) certification is a popular Blockchain credential with a specific focus on blockchain solution architecture. The CEBA certification is the best choice for any professional interested in designing blockchain-based systems and solutions. The CEBA certification covers a broad range of topics related to blockchain development. Apart from the concepts underlying blockchain architecture and development, the CEBA certification focuses on blockchain use cases and the selection of suitable blockchain systems for enterprise needs.  The CEBA certification offers the best collection of learning resources for those who wish to become professional enterprise Blockchain architects - grasp the fundamentals of Blockchain and the basic and advanced concepts of Blockchain architecture, the basics of Enterprise Blockchain Platform, how to choose an appropriate blockchain system, along with public and permissioned blockchain such as Ethereum and Hyperledger. Skill-based training modules include: 1) Blockchain Fundamentals - Blockchain vs Cryptocurrency vs Tokens, Blockchain Key Components, Byzantine Generals Problem, Consensus Methods, Whiteboard -How Blocks are written to a blockchain, What is Hashing, Demo - Hashing, Mining Requirements, Smart contracts, Segwits and Forks, Types of Blockchains, Use Cases and Interactive Exercise; 2) Enterprise Blockchains - What is an Enterprise Blockchain?, Value Creation, Cost Modeling, Blockchain Cost Considerations, Blockchain Performance (Transaction Per Second), Blockchain Architecture, Blockchain Common Use Cases, Blockchain Solutions Selling, Blockchain Technology Concerns, Blockchain as a Service, Demo - IBM BaaS, Enterprise Blockchain Development, Whiteboard- Architect a Blockchain, Security and Interactive Exercise; 3) Ethereum Overview - Ethereum Development, Demo - Ethereum Etherscan, Whiteboard - Ethereum Deployment, Demo - Metamask, Whiteboard - Ethereum Use Case - Token Platform and Interactive Exercise; 4) Hyperledger Fabric - Project Overview, Fabric Overview and Uses Cases, Demo Deploy on AWS, Fabric Development, Whiteboard - Fabric Use Case - Logistics and Interactive Exercise; 5) R3 Corda - Overview, Corda Use Cases, Whiteboard - Use Case Financials, Development, Demo - CordaBench and Interactive Exercise; and 6)  Certification Exam and Next Steps.

Enroll today and stay tuned for our #2 pick next week (teams & execs welcome): 

Much career success, Lawrence E. Wilson - Blockchain VIPs (share & subscribe)

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Graphic source: 101 Blockchains

Blockchain & Ethereum Developers - Top 10 Countdown of the Best Certification & Training Programs (#7)

Colleagues, #7 on our Top 10 Countdown is the new Complete Ethereum Technology program from 101 Blockchains. Ethereum is the second biggest blockchain network, with additional capabilities for decentralized application and smart contract development. You can learn everything about the technical side of Ethereum with 101 Blockchains’ Complete Ethereum Technology Course. The course features a detailed overview of how Ethereum works and also the methods for deploying smart contracts. The primary objective of the Complete Ethereum Technology course is to offer a trustworthy learning resource to help you become an Ethereum expert. This course includes a thorough overview of all the technical components of Ethereum driving its functionalities and use cases.  Starting from Ethereum basics and the technical components in its working, this course also delivers a possible roadmap for the future of Ethereum. Begin your journey in the Ethereum landscape with the trusted Ethereum technology course. The program includes an Introduction to Ethereum, Ethereum tools and Ethereum test networks, Ethereum addresses and Ethereum accounts, Smart contracts and the use of Solidity programming language, Tokens in Ethereum, Ethereum transactions and Ethereum roadmap, Blocks and mining in Ethereum, Ethereum, PoW consensus algorithm, Beacon Chain and Proof of Stake consensus, and Decentralized applications or dApps and DAOs. This course is a one-stop destination for those who seek comprehensive knowledge on Ethereum. You can find a detailed introduction to Ethereum fundamentals, including the tools, test networks, and addresses. The course also reflects on the smart contract functionalities of Ethereum with practical implications of Solidity programming language for smart contract development. The course also offers insights on Ethereum tokens, transactions, blocks, and mining, as well as Ethereum consensus. You will also gain inputs on dApps and the Ethereum roadmap alongside an explanation of Beacon Chain and Proof-of-Stake consensus. 

Enroll today and stay tuned for our #6 pick  (teams & execs welcome): 

Much career success, Lawrence E. Wilson - Blockchain VIPs (share & subscribe) [

Down your complimentary Blockchain & Ethereum - Career Transformation Guide.

Graphic source: 101 Blockchains

Monday, July 25, 2022

Blockchain & Ethereum Developers - Top 10 Countdown of the Best Certification & Training Programs (#8)

Colleagues, ZipRcruiter reports the average salary for Blockchain Software Engineers at $149,999. The Become a Blockchain Developer program ranks #8 on our Top 10 countdown that positions you for major career and income growth as the demand for Blockchain developers is skyrocketing. In this program, you'll work with the Bitcoin and Ethereum protocols, build projects for real-world application, and gain the essential skills for a career in this dynamic space. Learn the fundamentals of the blockchain platform. Create your own private blockchain, and secure a digital asset using blockchain identity. Explore the Ethereum platform, and use Solidity and smart contracts to develop your own decentralized app. Skill-based training modules include: 1) Blockchain Fundamentals Learn the basics of how the blockchain data model works by creating your own private blockchain using Node.js and Leveldb (Project: Create Your Own Private Blockchain), 2) Ethereum Smart Contracts, Tokens and Dapps - advance your blockchain skillset to the second generation of blockchain services with smart contracts utilizing the Ethereum network (Project: Build Cryptostar DApp on Ethereum), 3) Blockchain Architecture- learn blockchain architecture and advanced concepts such as privacy, security and decentralized file management (Project: Ethereum DApp for Tracking Items Through Supply Chain), 4) DApp with Autonomous Smart Contracts and Oracles - develop a decentralized application (Dapp) that will perform actions based on external triggers, and handle payments (Project: Flight Delay Insurance DApp), and 5) Capstone Project - build a decentralized property listing application.

Enroll today and stay tuned for our #7 pick next week (teams & execs welcome): 

Much career success, Lawrence E. Wilson - Blockchain VIPs (share & subscribe) 

Down your complimentary Blockchain & Ethereum - Career Transformation Guide.

Graphic source: 101 Blockchains

Monday, July 18, 2022

Blockchain & Ethereum Developers - Top 10 Countdown of the Best Certification & Training Programs (#9)

Colleagues, according to GlassDoor the average salary for an NFT Developer is $96,626. We firmly believe this estimate low and is likely to increase significantly over the next 3-5 as NFT demand skyrockets. #9 on our countdown is the Certified NFT Developer program from the Blockchain Council. This certification aims to provide a deeper understanding of NFTs, and will help you in building different kinds of projects, using NFTs. The goal of this certification is to set and enforce minimum requirements for NFT developers who specialize in enterprise development measures.This certification will make sure that in addition to gathering extensive skills, you also gain insights in the NFT domain, and therefore use the acquired knowledge to build NFT-based platforms for enterprises and businesses. Successful completion of this certification will enable you to comprehend Ethereum-based platforms for Non-Fungible Tokens, giving you a significant advantage in the Blockchain field. Skill-based training modules - mapped to the certification exam include: 1) Introduction to Certified NFT Developer, 2) A Guide to Tokens, 3) Ethereum Tokens, 4) Understanding the Non-Fungible Tokens (NFT), 5) NFT Technology Stacks, 6) Operations on NFT, 6) Walkthrough - NFT Marketplace, 7) History of Non-Fungible Tokens, 8) Prerequisites & Installation, 9) Projects Building NFT Game, NFT Marketplace on Polygon with ReactJS, Building NFT Book Store and End-To-End NFT Project [Advanced Collectable], and 10) The Certified NFT Developer Exam.

Enroll today and stay tuned for our #8 pick next week (teams & execs welcome): 

Much career success, Lawrence E. Wilson - Blockchain VIPs (share & subscribe) [] 

Down your complimentary Blockchain & Ethereum - Career Transformation Guide.

Graphic source: LXA

Tuesday, July 5, 2022

Blockchain & Ethereum Developers - Top 10 Countdown of the Best Certification & Training Programs (#10)

Colleagues, according to ZipRecruiter, the average salary for a Blockchain Software Engineer is $149,999. Number 10 on our countdown is the Certified Hyperledger Developer™ program from the Blockchain Council. This certification is curated by experts to render a profound understanding of Hyperledger Fabric along with different Hyperledger projects. A Hyperledger Developer is a professional who understands Blockchain technology thoroughly and can build Blockchain-based applications for businesses. Big enterprises can leverage the Hyperledger technology to enhance internal data integrity, and progress towards a low-cost solution for their organization. Certified Hyperledger Developer Training equips individuals with the essential knowledge and expertise to work as hyperledger developers. The purpose of this program is to establish and govern the minimum standards for credentialing Hyperledger Developers who specialize in enterprise development measures. Develop a complete understanding of Hyperledger, an in-depth knowledge of creating and implementing private permissioned solutions, exploration of Hyperledger Fabric and how it works, and build permissioned Blockchain solutions for different business use-cases. 

Enroll today and stay tuned for our #9 pick next week (teams & execs welcome): 

Much career success, Lawrence E. Wilson - Blockchain VIPs (share & subscribe) 

Down your complimentary Blockchain & Ethereum - Career Transformation Guide

Monday, June 27, 2022

Top 3 strategies for Blockchain career success

Colleagues, ZipRecruiter estimates the average salary for a Blockchain Software Engineer at $149,99. First, Get Certified: A high quality cert from a reputable vendor or professional association may boost your income by 5%-10%. We recommend the Certified Blockchain Architect (CBA) - training entitles you to utilize your expertise to make important decisions related to the Blockchain projects and craft the guidelines and structure of the whole blockchain system and Certified Blockchain Developer (CBD) - equip you in Blockchain, Multichain, Ethereum, Hyperledger, Stellar and Corda … both from the Blockchain Council. Finally, consider the Certified Blockchain Developer - Hyperledger Fabric (CBDH) - architect Hyperledger Blockchain solutions, choose appropriate blockchain systems for various use cases, work effectively with both public and permissioned blockchain systems and prepare to successfully pass the Blockchain Training Alliance Certified Blockchain Developer–Hyperledger Fabric (CBDH) exam. Second, Get Published: Write a 1-2 page article on Best Practices or Blockchain Tech Trends for Medium, LinkedIn Articles or Third, Get Connected: Join the Wolfram Blockchain Community. Then register for the Blockchain forum on DEV Community. And sign-up for the Blockchain Info repository on GitHub

Enroll in one or more programs today (teams & execs welcome): 

Down your complimentary Blockchain & Ethereum - Career Transformation Guide

Much career success, Lawrence E. Wilson - Blockchain VIPs (share & subscribe) [ ]

Graphic source: HedgeThink

Monday, June 20, 2022

Top 3 strategies to accelorate your Ethereum-Web3 career

Colleagues. average US salaries for Ethereum Developers range from $125k-$180k according to GlassDoor. A certification from a reputable vendor or professional association can increase your income by 5%-10%. Here are three top strategies to accelerate your Web3 career and income growth. First, Get Certified: A certification from a high quality vendor or professional association can add 5%-10% to your income. We recommend Certified Ethereum Developer and Certified Ethereum Expert (CEE) from the Blockchain Council along with Certified Blockchain Developer - Ethereum (CBSE) from the Blockchain Training Alliance. We give an honorable mention to Complete Ethereum Technology from 101 Blockchains. Second, Get Published. Write a succinct 1-2 page article on best practices or technical trends for Ethereum 2.0 and publish on Medium, LinkedIn Articles or Third, Get Connected. Subscribe to Vitalik Buterin’s Twitter feed (4m subscribers), attend an ETHGlobal Hackathon and join BlockForums.

Enroll in one or more programs (teams & execs welcome): 

Down your complimentary Blockchain & Ethereum - Career Transformation Guide

Much career success, Lawrence E. Wilson - Blockchain VIPs  (subscribe & share)

Graphic source: CryptoDiffer