Thursday, October 20, 2022

Blockchain & Ethereum Developers - Top 10 Countdown of Certification & Training Programs (#1)

Colleagues, #1 on our Top 10 Countdown is the
Certified Blockchain Developer (CBD) from the Blockchain Council. Equipped in Blockchain, Multichain, Ethereum, Hyperledger, Stellar and Corda. Know what it means to be a Certified Blockchain Developer, learn about Ethereum, IPFS, Hyperledger and R3 Corda, explore how to deploy Ethereum Smart Contract on Hyperledger Fabric, and gain in-depth knowledge on R3 Corda. Skill-based training modules include: 1) Blockchain - Types of Blockchain, Blocks, Wallets, and Addresses, Public and Private Key, Blockchain Architecture, 2) Multichain - Compatibility and differences with Bitcoin, Create a MultiChain Blockchain,, How to connect to a Blockchain?, Commands in interactive mode, Using Native assets & Transaction Metadata, Working with Multichain streams, How to enable Round-Robin Mining?, Multichain Explorer, 3) Ethereum - Ethereum Virtual Machine, Solidity, Smart contracts?, How do Smart Contract Work, 4) Initial Coin Offerings (ICOs), How ICOs work, DAO (Decentralized Autonomous Organization) & The DAO – What are they?, Setting up Security groups & Ubuntu Servers, Installing Geth Client & Configuring Ethereum Nodes, Enable Mining and checking balance in Ether, Setting up Metamask and Testing Fund Transfer, Crypto Token – Executing Minimal Viable Token, Adding Parameters, Adding Balance Checks Before Transfer, Adding Transfer Event for Logging, Adding Transfer on-Behalf Function, Executing MyToken, Improving Crypto Token – Adding Admin, Allowing Admin to Mint New Coins-Admin to Freeze or Unfreeze the Tokens-Automatic Buy & Sell feature, Testing Full & Final Crypto Token, 5) Hyperledger - Hyperledger Fabric, Comparison between Fabric & Other Technologies, Hyperledger Fabric Architecture, Components of Hyperledger Fabric, Advantages of Hyperledger Fabric Blockchain, How does Hyperledger Fabric Work?, Installing Hyperledger Fabric V1.4, Building Your First Network, Hyperledger Fabric Demo, Hyperledger Fabric Network Configuration, 6) Stellar - Network Overview, Assets, Distributed Exchanges, Operations, Use Cases, Using Stellar Blockchain, and 7) Corda - Data Structure of Corda, Corda Key Concepts, Corda Architecture, Setting up the Environment, Building the Corda Network. Finally, the CBD Certification Exam.

Enroll today (teams & execs are welcome): 

Much career success, Lawrence E. Wilson - Blockchain VIPs (share & subscribe)

Download your complimentary Blockchain, Ethereum & Web 3 - Career Transformation Guide.

Tuesday, October 4, 2022

Blockchain & Ethereum Developers - Top 10 Countdown of Certification & Training Programs (#2)

Colleagues, #2 on our Top 10 Countdown is
Blockchain: Foundations and Use Cases from Consensys Academy. It provides an introduction to Blockchain and the technology behind it and goes beyond Bitcoin and delves deeper into a next-generation Blockchain called Ethereum to introduce you to what modern blockchains can do. The use cases featured in the final module are drawn from among the businesses in ConsenSys portfolio. We believe we're uniquely positioned to present you with a valuable behind-the-scenes look at the people and companies working in this space to help give you a better understanding of the business side of blockchain. Together, we'll examine business use cases, hear from industry leaders, and give you the opportunity to develop and analyze a use case yourself. With this course, not only will you be the one who is able to explain blockchain to your colleagues, you'll be well on your way to making educated business decisions with your new, foundational understanding of the technology.

Enroll today (teams & execs are welcome): 

Much career success, Lawrence E. Wilson - Blockchain VIPs (share & subscribe) 

Download your complimentary Blockchain, Ethereum & Web 3 - Career Transformation Guide (2022 v2)

Tuesday, September 27, 2022

Blockchain & Ethereum Developers - Top 10 Countdown of Certification & Training Programs (#3)

Colleagues, #3 on our Top 10 countdown is
Blockchain Applications and Smart Contracts - Developing with Ethereum and Solidity. Learn to code a smart contract, create a test network to test applications without cost and how to  launch a smart contract in a live network. Skill-based training modules address: 1) Introduction to Blockchains and Smart Contracts - Explain the history of blockchain technology, Understand the consequences of double-spending avoidance, Appreciate objectives of different blockchains, Add smart contracts to blockchains, Determine relevant smart contract use-cases, 2) Ethereum: A Smart Contract Blockchain - Ethereum as a blockchain for smart contracts, use Truffle as a smart contract development tool [hands on demo], explain Ethereum addresses and transactions [hands on demo], understand the relationship between Ether and Gas, 3) Solidity: A Contract-Oriented Language - explain the structure of a Solidity smart contract [hands-on demo], use Solidity declarations [hands-on demo], utilize Solidity function modifiers [hands-on demo], understand Solidity error-checking [hands-on demo], 4) Testing, Debugging, and Deploying Smart Contracts - test smart contracts on a personal blockchain [hands-on demo], debug smart contracts [hands-on demo], deploy smart contracts on a test and live network, 5) Smart Contracts Example: A Custom Token in Ethereum - create a token framework and a minimum viable token, and ddi allocation approvals along with owner privileges. 

Enroll today (teams & execs are welcome): 

Much career success, Lawrence E. Wilson - Blockchain VIPs (share & subscribe)

Download your complimentary Blockchain, Ethereum & Web 3 - Career Transformation Guide (2022 v2)

Monday, September 12, 2022

Blockchain and Ethereum - Career Transformation Guide

Colleagues, the new Blockchain and Ethereum Career - Transformation Guide includes valuable information that enables you to accelerate your career growth and income potential - Career opportunities, Salaries (demand and growth), Certifications and Training programs, Publications and Portals along with Professional Forums and Communities. The Certification and Training programs are categorized by Blockchain, Ethereum and Web 3 including Decentralized Finance (DeFi), NFT & Metaverse. estimates average Blockchain Developer salaries in the US at $143,000. Udacity provides a comprehensive description of job titles, salaries and demand outlook for Blockchain developers. ZipRecruiter, the average blockchain developer salary in the U.S. is $154,550 annually with a range between $124,500 and $203,000, with skill, experience and location being major factors. New York City and the San Francisco Bay Area-Silicon Valley areas typically offer the highest salaries. And Web 3 projects the average salary for a Solidity Developer in North America between $125k-$200k.

Review and enroll today (teams & execs are welcome). 

Much career success, Lawrence E. Wilson - Blockchain VIPs (share & subscribe)

Download your complimentary Blockchain and Ethereum Career - Transformation Guide

Monday, August 22, 2022

Blockchain & Ethereum Developers - Top 10 Countdown of the Best Certification & Training Programs (#4)

Colleagues, coming in at #4 on our Top 10 countdown is the Deploying Ethereum with AWS Blockchain Templates program from Pluralsight. The Ethereum framework is the most popular blockchain platform for building decentralized applications. In this context, AWS has made it easy to get up and running with your own Ethereum network on the AWS cloud using blockchain templates. It demonstrates how to build, deploy and use Ethereum networks on the AWS cloud. In this course, Deploying Ethereum with AWS Blockchain Templates, you will learn how you can use Cloud Formation templates on AWS with Docker containers to quickly build Ethereum networks for running smart contracts. First, you'll discover Ethereum's ability to build blockchains, the transaction lifecycle, miners, the proof-of-work consensus algorithm and concepts such as gas and ether on Ethereum networks. Next, you'll discover the basic structure of an Ethereum blockchain network on AWS by configuring security groups and the bastion host to connect to our network. Then, use AWS blockchain templates to quickly bring up an Ethereum network on the AWS cloud and how you can connect to this network using a Metamask client. Finally, you'll write smart contracts in Solidity for a land registry using the Remix IDE and execute transactions on your Ethereum network and observe the network using Explorer. By the end of this course, you'll have a good understanding of how you can use AWS to build your own Ethereum blockchain networks and write smart contracts to update your blockchain. Training modules address: 1 - Introducing Ethereum - Prerequisites and Course Outline, Quick Overview of Blockchain, Ethereum Basics, Transactions, Miners, Gas, and the Miner's Prize, Introducing AWS Blockchain Templates, Blockchain Network Components Overview; 2 - Using AWS Blockchain Templates for Ethereum - Blockchain Network Architecture on AWS, Creating the Elastic IP and Key Pair, a VPC and Public and Private Subnets, Security Groups, Roles and Policies, Bastion Host, Installing the Metamask Client Browser Extension and Creating a Private Ethereum Network Using Blockchain Templates; 3 - Deploying a Simple Smart Contract App to the Network, Connecting to the Bastion Host, Setting up and Configuring Foxy Proxy, Installing the Proxy Server and Connecting to the Bastion Host,  Using Eth Stats Eth Explorer and Connecting to Our Private Network Using Metamask, Creating and Deploying a Hello World Smart Contracts,  Creating and Deploying a Land Contract to Track Plot Sales and Executing Transactions on the Land Contract

Enroll today and stay tuned for our #6 pick  (teams & execs welcome): 

Much career success, Lawrence E. Wilson - Blockchain VIPs (share & subscribe) [ ]] 

Down your complimentary Blockchain & Ethereum - Career Transformation Guide.

Graphic source: Daffofil

Metaverse Fundamentals (101 Blockchains)

Colleagues the new Metaverse Fundamentals program from 101 Blockchains is focused on an emerging trend in the web3 space. This course offers a comprehensive overview of the crucial traits of the metaverse and the ecosystem associated with it. The program includes various use cases and applications of the metaverse. We have also included insights on topics such as the relationship between blockchain and web 3.0 technologies. Focus on leading metaverse projects and metaverse games that will help you understand how this technology works. You will also get all the details on the potential future for the metaverse so you know how to navigate your metaverse learning journey: Definition of the Metaverse & the interplay between Web 3.0 and Blockchain, Use of NFTs in Metaverse & Industries using the Metaverse technology, Applications of Metaverse & Leading Metaverse Projects & Metaverse Games, Metaverse Land Ownership- Property Investment, MetFi: The Intersection of Metaverse and DeFi, Metaverse and GameFi with Play-to-Earn games and Future of the metaverse. Skill-based training modules include:  1 - Metaverse Fundamental - What is the Metaverse?, Timeline of the Metaverse, Companies in the Metaverse, Potential of the Metaverse, Whiteboard - Building Blocks, Use Cases/Applications, Challenges and Concerns, Demo – Metaverse Sites; 2 - Metaverse Technology - Technology Overview, Whiteboard - Tech Stack, Web3 and the Metaverse, VR/AR/AI, NFTs, Demos – Metaverse NFTS and Headset; 3) Metaverse Investing - How to invest in the Metaverse, Demo – Metaverse Index, Buy Land in the Metaverse, Demo - Buying Metaverse lands, Fundamentals of Metaverse Tokens, Demo – Decentralized Tokens, IDO, Gaming in the Metaverse and MetaFi; and 4) Course Wrap-up - Closeout, More Resources, Exam Details and Final Exam.

Enroll today and stay tuned for our #6 pick  (teams & execs welcome): 

Much career success, Lawrence E. Wilson - Blockchain VIPs (share & subscribe) [ ]] 

Down your complimentary Blockchain & Ethereum - Career Transformation Guide.

Graphic source: IPv6 & IoT

Monday, August 15, 2022

Hedera - A Blockchain Alternative? Blockchain & Ethereum Developers - Top 10 Countdown of Certification & Training Programs (#5)

Colleagues, in the new Hedera Fundamentals course from 101 Blockchains you learn about this alternative public distributed ledger technology. If you want to learn all about the Hedera consensus mechanism alongside an in-depth overview of its working, this course is the right pick for you. Find out why Hedera Hashgraph has evolved as a formidable alternative to public blockchain networks. Build your knowledge about the use cases, governance, and ecosystem of Hedera with engaging video lectures, practical demos, and a hands-on learning experience. Gain an in-depth understanding of hashgraph and its working, learn how to communicate hashgraph to clients and colleagues, study use cases, governance, and the applications of Hedera Hashgraph and become an expert in Hedera Network Services. Skill-based training modules include: 1 - Technology / Terminology Overview, What are distributed ledger technologies (DLTs)?, DLTs vs Blockchain, Different kinds of Ledgers, 2 - Hedera Overview, Hedera Origin & History, Hashgraph Consensus Algorithm, The Hedera Advantage, Hedera Cryptocurrency and Governing Council, 3 - Hedera Governance and Applications, Use cases, Roadmap, Hedera Resources, Myths, 4 - Hedera Services Explained, Hedera Architecture & Services, Consensus Service, Token Service, Infrastructure & Core Concepts, Service Fees, 5 - Hedera Stable Coin Use Case, Understanding Stablecoin, Stablecoin use-case: overview and architect, 6 - Hands-On, Stablecoin Transfer API Interactions, Environment set up and projects (Token emission, Transaction consensus), and 7 - Final Exam and more resources.

Enroll today (teams & execs welcome): 

Much career success, Lawrence E. Wilson - Blockchain VIPs (share & subscribe) [ ]] 

Down your complimentary Blockchain & Ethereum - Career Transformation Guide.

Graphic source: 101 Blockchains