Tuesday, November 24, 2020

Blockchain Council Membership (Individual & Corporate)

VIPs, the Blockchain Council is one of the premier professional organizations in the global Blockchain ecosystem. They have  introduced an exclusive Membership offer for all the enthusiasts and experts who are passionate to learn this remarkable technology. This membership program aims to solve all the issues of lacking content on Blockchain technology. They provide various training sessions, podcasts, Ebook and webinars giving you a competitive edge over others.

Join today. Visit: https://fxo.co/AA6p 

Much career success, Lawrence E. Wilson – Blockchain VIPs

Monday, November 23, 2020

Blockchain Business Models

VIPs, in the Blockchain Business Models program from Duke University you will learn what Blockchain is and how it can create value by tokenization in cryptocurrencies and in many other practical applications. The applications include: stablecoins (like Facebook’s Libra and JP Morgan’s JPMCoin), machine to machine payments, identity protection, supply chain management (Walmart, Maersk, IBM), secure voting, distributed exchanges, decentralized finance, property transfers, central bank fiat crypto (e.g., Fedcoin and China’s digital Renminbi), dispensing prescription drugs, private records, intellectual property, financial reporting, and media and advertising. Skill-based training modules address: 1) Blockchain Overview, 2) Cryptographic Hashing, 3) Blockchain Encryptions and Signatures, 4) Bitcoin and other Blockchains, 5) Using Blockchain, 6) Consensus, 7) Value of Cryptoapplications, 8) Regulatory Environment and the Future of FinTech.

Enroll today. Visit: https://tinyurl.com/y3lkcfrm 

Much career success, Lawrence E. Wilson – Blockchain VIPs

Blockchain Revolution Specialization

VIPs, the Blockchain Revolution Specialization from INSEAD includes four courses that will equip you to  describe seven types of cryptoassets, and explain what it means to “tokenize” an asset, explain what a smart contracts and their applications, understand distributed, self-sovereign identity systems, and describe eight core functions of the financial services industry and how blockchain will disrupt each of these functions. Module 1 - Cryptoassets: Blockchain is the first native digital medium for value. Learn about seven different kinds of cryptoassets, including cryptocurrencies, protocol tokens, utility tokens, securities tokens, natural asset tokens, crypto collectibles, crypto-fiat currencies, and stablecoins. Module 2 - Smart Contracts: Learn what smart contracts are and Blockchain-based smart contracts work, and how they can reduce transaction costs, minimize the need for third-party intermediaries, and improve productivity, security, and privacy. Module 3 - Identity: Learn the five problems with identifier-based systems and explain how a distributed self-sovereign identity system, deployed on the Blockchain can resolve these issues. And Module 4 - Rethinking Finance: Blockchain technology has the potential to bring about profound changes to financial services. Learn how blockchain technology will disrupt the core functions of the financial services industry, offering individuals and organizations alike real choices in how they create and manage value.

Enroll today. Visit: https://tinyurl.com/y43sy8vd 

Much career success, Lawrence E. Wilson - Blockchain VIPs

Wednesday, November 18, 2020

Certified Solidity Developer (CSD)

VIPs, becoming a Certified Solidity Developer (CSD) will distinguish you from your peers and accelerate your career path in the global Blockchain and Ethereum sector. Prove your Solidity skills & understanding, grasp the in-depth knowledge of Ethereum, implement your skills in creating  Solidity, and expand your own Blockchain enterprise with acquired knowledge. The core modules in this program address: 1) Introduction to Certified Solidity Developer™ and Blockchain Basics, 2) Ethereum - An Introduction, smart contracts and Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM), 3) Solidity - Deep dive: Solidity: What is Solidity?, Setting up a Development Environment, layout of a Solidity file, value types, Units, Global Variables & functions, Operators, Control structures, Scoping, Input & Output, Function calls, Function modifiers, Fallback functions, Abstract contracts, New keyword, View & Pure, Events & Logging, Inheritance, Exceptions, Import and solc compiler,  Complete example – Ticketing System, and Remix compiler, and 4) Certified Solidity Developer Exam. There will be an online training followed by a multiple choice exam of 100 marks., acquire 60+ marks to pass the exam, retake the exam after one day - up to three times.

Get started today. Visit: https://fxo.co/AA71

Much career success, Lawrence E. Wilson – Blockchain VIPs

Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Decentralized Applications (DApps)

VIPs, this  Blockchain specialization course prepares you to design and develop end-to-end decentralized applications (DApps) – which provide you with access to the Blockchain’s features and services. You will use Truffle IDE, smart contracts, a simple web client and a MetaMask client. You will learn about the architecture of a DApp: the front-end client interface, backed by the blockchain and smart contracts. The course covers the basic design of a DApp, Truffle development process and commands (init, develop, test and migrate), test-driven development of DApp, DApp application models and emerging standards that are essential for predictable DApp behavior. Main concepts are delivered through videos, demos and hands-on exercises. Continuing education units (CEUs) and professional development hours (PDHs) are available through the UB Center for Industrial Effectiveness (UB TCIE) for learners who earn a course certificate.

Get started today. Visit: https://tinyurl.com/y3mz9eca 

Much career success, Lawrence E. Wilson – Blockchain VIPs

Monday, November 16, 2020

Blockchain, Cryptoassets and Decentralized Finance

VIPs, the Blockchain, Cryptoassets and Decentralized Finance program from INSEAD will equip you with high demand skills in Object Binding, Alcatel Business Communications, Centurylink and Base Address. Training modules include: 1) Cryptoassets: Blockchain is the first native digital medium for value, cryptocurrencies, protocol tokens, utility tokens, securities tokens, natural asset tokens, crypto collectibles, crypto-fiat currencies, and stablecoins, 2) Smart Contracts: you will learn what smart contracts are and how they work. We will discuss how blockchain-based smart contracts can enable individuals and organizations to reduce transaction costs, 3) Identity: Accessing large, centralized systems such as email, health insurance, or a bank account requires the provision of various identifiers, and 4) DApps and Distributed Business Models: There are countless opportunities for blockchain to disrupt or displace traditional centralized business models -  “open networked enterprise” business models through the inclusion of native payment systems, reputation systems, uncensorable content, trustless transactions, smart contracts, and autonomous agents.

Enroll today. Visit: https://tinyurl.com/yxj64j35 

Much career success, Lawrence E. Wilson – Blockchain VIPs

Thursday, November 12, 2020

Blockchain & Smart Contracts: Applied for Professionals

VIPs, this program is designed for business  and IT analysts who require an appreciation for which companies are investing in Blockchain technology, a fundamental understanding of Decentralised Applications (DAPPS), assess the subdivisions of Crypto-Assets, their respective features and how they are transferred on the Blockchain, grasp the rationale behind digital currency use and gain perspective of current global adoption. focusing on how it is set to disrupt industries and who’s currently implementing it, providing concepts to be understood rather than terminology to be remembered, allowing client facing professionals to have better, more informed, conversations with clients and identify new opportunities. The three core training modules address: 1) Blockchain Technology Fundamentals (the origin of Blockchain, explaining what it is and then explores its various use-cases, with specific examples from some of the worlds largest companies), 2) Crypto Assets and Smart Contracts (Digital Cash (cryptocurrency, Utility Tokens and Tokenized Securities), and 3) Buying, Selling and Custody of Crypto Assets (how crypto-assets are acquired, liquidated and stored. (Initial Coin Offerings-ICO's and Security Token Offerings-STO's), 

Get started today. Visit: https://tinyurl.com/y48d76qo 

Much career success, Lawrence E. Wilson – Blockchain VIPs