VIPs, the Hyperledger Fabric Development Course - Intermediate Level is suitable for the career aspirations of blockchain professionals in various roles. If you want to gain the advanced set of skills required for enterprise blockchain professionals, then this course is the perfect pick for you. Understand the basic and advanced concepts of Hyperledger development, Get a good knowledge of Hyperledger development tools and best practices, Learn how to develop and deploy a Chaincode and Get started with the development of a Hyperleger application. Skill-based training modules include: 1) Hyperledger Development Readiness - Development Tools, Best Practices, Github Resources and Demo - Setting up your environment, 2) Hyperledger Development Tools - Whiteboard - Deployment Considerations, Membership Services, Whiteboard Peers and Nodes, Whiteboard Channels, Ledger and Database Options, Whiteboard Queries, Certificates, Kafka/Raft and Interfaces, 3) Writing Chaincode - Chaincode Development, Whiteboard - Development Considerations, Chaincode Lifecycle and an Interactive Exercise, 4) Writing a Blockchain App - Development Overview, Whiteboard - Transactions and Demo - IBM BaaS, and 4) Additional Resources and Closeout - Developer Salaries and Roles, Additional Resources, Closeout and Final Exam.
Sign-up today ( teams & execs welcome):
Much career success, Lawrence E. Wilson - Blockchain VIPs
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