Colleagues,in the Blockchain Applications and Smart Contracts - Developing with Ethereum and Solidity training you will learn to code a smart contract, create a test network to test applications without cost and how to launch a smart contract in a live network. Skill-based training modules address: 1) Introduction to Blockchains and Smart Contracts - Explain the history of blockchain technology, Understand the consequences of double-spending avoidance, Appreciate objectives of different blockchains, Add smart contracts to blockchains, Determine relevant smart contract use-cases, 2) Ethereum: A Smart Contract Blockchain - Ethereum as a blockchain for smart contracts, use Truffle as a smart contract development tool [hands on demo], explain Ethereum addresses and transactions [hands on demo], understand the relationship between Ether and Gas, 3) Solidity: A Contract-Oriented Language - explain the structure of a Solidity smart contract [hands-on demo], use Solidity declarations [hands-on demo], utilize Solidity function modifiers [hands-on demo], understand Solidity error-checking [hands-on demo], 4) Testing, Debugging, and Deploying Smart Contracts - test smart contracts on a personal blockchain [hands-on demo], debug smart contracts [hands-on demo], deploy smart contracts on a test and live network, 5) Smart Contracts Example: A Custom Token in Ethereum - create a token framework and a minimum viable token, and ddi allocation approvals along with owner privileges.
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