Tuesday, January 28, 2025

Certified Ethereum Developer™

Colleagues, a Certified Ethereum Developer from the Blockchain Council is one who has expertise in one of the best decentralized blockchain platforms available today, Ethereum. The developer is fully equipped with the skills required to excel in the world of blockchain networks, having varied knowledge of the basics and advanced concepts of Ethereum. Earning this certification will entitle you to become an Ethereum developer, which is an extremely in-demand skill in the international job market currently. Know what it means to be a developer in the Ethereum domain, explore different tokens and dApps, and learn to build projects around InterPlanetary File System (IPFS), learn about testing of smart contract and its tools, understand  how to create, compile and deploy smart contracts on the Ethereum platform, and learn to build projects like NFT marketplace and games based on NFT. Training modules include: 1) Introduction to Certified Ethereum Developer, 2) Understanding the Basics, 3) Ethereum Overview, 4) Ethereum Tokens, 5) Non-Fungible Tokens (NFT), 6) IPFS (InterPlanetary File System), 7) Solidity, 8) Getting started with Smart Contract,  and 8) Testing of Smart Contract. Hands-on projects address: 1) Basic Smart Contract With Front End, 2) Developing advanced Smart Contract using Solidity, 3) End-To-End NFT Project [Advanced Collectable], and 4) Project 4 - Building NFT Game. Finally, take and pass the Certified Ethereum Developer Exam. 

Enroll today (teams & execs welcome): https://tinyurl.com/2p89cybp 

Down your complimentary Blockchain & Ethereum - Career Transformation Guide

Much career success, Lawrence E. Wilson - Blockchain VIPs (subscribe & share)

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