Monday, January 2, 2023

2023: Top 3 DeFi Training Programs to Accelerate Your Web 3.0 Growth

Colleagues, according to Grand View Research, the global decentralized finance market size was valued at USD 11.78 billion in 2021 and is expected to expand at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 42.5% from 2022 to 2030. The acceptance of DeFi (Decentralized Finance) led to a profound transformation in the financial sector, which is one of the primary factors driving market growth.  Our top 3 training recommendations include  Introduction to DeFi - Decentralized Finance. DeFi enables parties to trade in a peer-to-peer (i.e., decentralized) fashion the traditional elements of the financial supply chain (e.g., deposits, loans, financial assets) by replacing traditional currency (e.g., dollars, euros) with stable-coins (i.e., cryptocurrency tokens pegged to that currency) and replacing the intermediary (i.e., the financial institution) with blockchain-based smart contracts that run autonomously on a permissionless blockchain protocol (Ethereum for the most part). Second is the Decentralized Applications (DApss) program that prepares you to design and develop end-to-end decentralized applications (DApps) – which provide anyone with access to the blockchain’s features and services. You will use Truffle IDE, smart contracts, a simple web client and a MetaMask client. You will learn about the architecture of a Dapp: the front-end client interface, backed by the blockchain and smart contracts. The course covers the basic design of a Dapp, Truffle development process and commands (init, develop, test and migrate), test-driven development of Dapp, Dapp application models and emerging standards that are essential for predictable Dapp behavior. And third, Decentralized Finance (Defi) Course- Intermediate Level. This new DeFi course is an intermediate-level course that will extend your knowledge of DeFi basics. Starting from an overview of DeFi fundamentals, you will gradually learn about the significance of Ethereum for DeFi. The DeFi course includes a comprehensive overview of all the tools in the DeFi technology stack alongside the significance of layer 1 networks. At the same time, the course sheds light on the role of stablecoins. Learners will also develop a better impression of the lending and borrowing protocols in DeFi, alongside decentralized exchanges. Lastly, this course includes a dive into security and legal concerns related to DeFi. 

Enroll today (teams & execs are welcome): 

Download your free Blockchain, Ethereum & Web 3 - Career Transformation Guide.

Much career success, Lawrence E. Wilson - Blockchain VIPs (share with your team)

Graphic source: 101 Blockchains

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