Monday, January 2, 2023

Top 3 Blockchain Developer Training Programs for 2023

Colleagues, estimates the current salary for Blockchain Developers at $146,025. Keep your skills up-to-date in this fast-paced, high demand field for optimal career and income growth in 2023. Demand for blockchain developers is booming. Our top 3 certification and training picks for 2023 include: First, Certified Blockchain Architect (CBA) where you will learn to make important decisions related to the Blockchain projects and craft the guidelines and structure of the whole blockchain system. With the aid of this certification, Blockchain Architects will be better able to put their theoretical and practical knowledge to use and get hands-on experience with all areas of Blockchain development. It will serve as a demonstration of your experience in the blockchain industry. You will also have the necessary exposure to develop the skills necessary to decide wisely about various blockchain initiatives. As a Certified Blockchain Architect, you will have an advantage when creating and constructing Blockchain-based solutions for corporations and enterprises. Second is the Blockchain Developer program. Work with the Bitcoin and Ethereum protocols, build projects for real-world application, and gain the essential skills for a career in this dynamic space. Learn the fundamentals of the blockchain platform. Create your own private blockchain, and secure a digital asset using blockchain identity. Explore the Ethereum platform, and use Solidity and smart contracts to develop your own decentralized app. And third is Blockchain Applications and Smart Contracts - Developing with Ethereum and Solidity. Learn to code a smart contract, create a test network to test applications without cost and how to  launch a smart contract in a live network covers an Introduction to Blockchains and Smart Contracts, Ethereum: A Smart Contract Blockchain - Ethereum as a blockchain for smart contracts, use Truffle as a smart contract development tool [hands on demo], explain Ethereum addresses and transactions, Solidity: A Contract-Oriented Language, Testing, Debugging, and Deploying Smart Contracts and Smart Contracts Example: A Custom Token in Ethereum.

Enroll today (teams & execs welcome): 

And download your free Blockchain, Ethereum & Web 3 - Career Transformation Guide

Much career success, Lawrence E. Wilson - Blockchain VIPs (share with your team)

Graphic source: 101 Blockchains

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